Me? Meditate?

I’ll admit it: meditation did not initially appeal to me. When I heard the word, I pictured a person sitting with a very straight spine on a cushion, eyes closed, chanting, and in a trance. I would think to myself, “I’ve got no time for THAT!”

But as I started to practice the physical side of yoga, I began to explore the mental aspect. Yes, meditation can look like the image I described above. But it doesn’t have to.

Want to know what my meditation practice looks like? Well, it looks different every time! Sometimes, I wake up, make my coffee, and sit for a minute on my sofa with my eyes closed. I start the Breathe app on my Apple watch and try to keep my attention on my breathing for one minute.

Other days, I do a walking meditation. Whether it’s around the neighborhood or along the shore, I try to spend several moments noticing each time my foot connects with the ground. Or I stand gazing and the waves and try to keep my attention on them. Or I walk on a nature trail and try to keep my attention on the sounds of birds singing.

All of this is meditation: anytime you can interrupt your thoughts, or tune into your body or breath, you’re meditating. Does it have to last 30 minutes? Heck no! Sometimes my meditation practice lasts only 1 minute: it still “counts” and it still helps me calm down, redirect my thinking, or just pause and breathe.

Want to give meditation a try? We can spend part of a private yoga session learning how. I’d love to introduce you to this type of yoga (and it is yoga!)