Every time I peel an onion, I am reminded of my yoga journey: more than the poses, more than the meditation, more than the resting, yoga has given me the space to learn about my true self.
Over the years, I've peeled back layer upon layer upon layer of walls, false beliefs, and stories about myself -- similar to the layers of an onion!
It didn't happen magically on my mat one day. In fact, I wasn't even aware of it as it was happening (and it continues to happen!).
Upon reflection, I can now see that it was in June 2015 that I truly began to uncover the real Jennie that slowly got buried over the years. Over the past six years, yoga has allowed me to open up to my true self.
Here are a few of the biggest revelations I've had:
~ I'm braver than I thought.
~ I have more patience than I imagined.
~ I'm not as risk-adverse as I used to be.
I can't say these thoughts were revealed in some spectacular way during a yoga class. But I do believe that spending time (whether it was five minutes or 60 minutes) connecting to my breath, body, and mind gave me the chance to ALLOW these truths to be revealed.
Would you like to explore tapping into the real you? Click on the Private Sessions tab and find a time for us to work together!