Aaaaand, it's November: the holiday season has “officially” begun. Shopping, cooking, entertaining (maybe), wrapping gifts, houseguests (possibly), travel (who knows), social engagements (am I ready for that yet?).
Do you feel your blood pressure rising or your breathing becoming short? Same here. I'm going to set one goal for the next two months: just show up. Just Show Up. It really doesn't matter if you've bought the perfect gifts, cooked perfect food, or bought the perfect outfit. What does matter? Your presence. Being there for friends and family (even if this year it is -- again -- over Zoom).
Maybe this month is when you finally decide to carve out (pardon the turkey pun!) some time to take care of yourself for just a few minutes a day. Like five minutes. I would like to invite you to Just Show Up -- in your comfy bed, on the couch, in a chair, next to the kitchen counter, wherever! Here are some ideas:
1. Before you stumble out to the kitchen to make your coffee or tea in the morning, can you sit up in bed, re-close your eyes, and take five mindful breaths?
2. Before you pour that glass of wine and fire up Netflix in the evening, can you sit on the couch and take a few side body stretches?
3. Is it a chilly Saturday morning, your body is stiff, and you can't seem to get going? Come to your hands and knees and take a few rounds of Cow-Cat (you can also do these seated).
4. Maybe it’s Sunday afternoon and you are starting to stress out about the week ahead. Take your legs up the wall or settle into child’s pose for a minute or two. Breathe.
Just. Show. Up. You'll be glad you did!
Want some more suggestions? Contact me at I’ve got a gigantic list I’d love to share!